Ebola- a vaccine?
Microbes Monthly Ebola: Great news- a potential vaccine! Clinical trials have so far shown that an Ebola vaccine (Merck, Sharpe &...

A Nose Knows Best!
Bioengineering Banter #4: A Nose Knows Best! A biomimetic replica of a dog's nose has been manufactured to enhance the "aerodynamic...

New journal on biomedical engineering!
A new science journal dedicated wholly to Biomedical Engineering. Nature Biomedical Engineering Go check it out!...

Bioengineering Banter #3
Bioprinting 3D printing of organs is becoming more and more a reality with researchers fine tuning the process. Scientists are presently...

NSTA Recommends "Bioengineering"
"Bioengineering" has been chosen as a "NSTA recommends" book! Product Review Bioengineering by Christine Burillo-Kirch Price at time of...

Mapping Microbes
What started out by examining how different microbial colonies "talk to one another" when in close proximity, has developed into a larger...

Bioengineering Banter #2
Cybathlon: First Cyborg Olympics! Raise your hand if you wanted this show! "Steve Austin, astronaut. A man barely alive. Gentlemen, we...

Bioengineering Banter #1
Squishy robot? Yes, please! Dubbed "octobot" by Harvard scientists Robert Wood, Ph.D., and Jennifer Lewis, Sc.D who invented it, this...

Microbes Monthly - September
Right under our nose! With an increasing amount of bacterial strains developing antibiotic resistance and the development of new...

Microbes Monthly - June
Microbes Monthly Did you know that your intestine contains somewhere between 100-1,000 bacterial species, and that the type of bacteria...